LKP hauv tsheb - yog dab tsi? Tsheb paintwork thickness: rooj
LKP hauv tsheb - yog dab tsi? Tsheb paintwork thickness: rooj

Xim txheej (LPC) yog lub luag haujlwm rau sab nraud ntawm lub tsheb. Nws yog thawj qhov kev xav uas feem ntau nco qab, tab sis nws yuav tsis zoo yog tias lub tsheb zoo li tsis zoo, muaj ntau yam tsis xws luag ntawm qhov chaw. Yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv qhov no thiab yuav ua li cas kho cov teeb meem hauv lub tsheb pleev xim tsis raug?

LCP yog dab tsi?

Thaum yuav lub tsheb, ib qho kev pom zoo ntawm cov kws tshaj lij yog ua tib zoo saib xyuas cov xim pleev xim hauv lub tsheb. Qhov no yog dab tsi?

pleev xim rau hauv lub tsheb yog qhov ntawd
pleev xim rau hauv lub tsheb yog qhov ntawd

LKP sawv cev rau kev pleev xim. Koj yuav tsum tau xyuam xim tshwj xeeb rau nws vim qhov tseeb tias qhov tsis xws luag yuav tsis pom tam sim ntawd, tab sis cov xim pleev xim ntawm lub cev lub tsheb puas sai heev, thiab txawm nyob hauv lub tsheb tshiab, lawv tuaj yeem tshwm sim hauv ib hnub.

Tsis tas li ntawd, thaum yuav tsheb ntawm lub khw thib ob, feem ntau cov tsheb yog tom qab kho loj. Qhov tseeb hais tias lub tsheb tau nyob rau hauv ib qho kev huam yuaj yog ib txwm muab zais los ntawm tus neeg muag khoom, tab sis nws tsis yooj yim los qhia qhov no. Rau qhov no, kev ntsuam xyuas ntawm LCP yog ua tiav.tsheb, cov ntaub ntawv tau txais los ntawm kev siv lub cuab yeej tshwj xeeb thiab kuaj nrog GOST. Los ntawm lawv nws yog ib qho yooj yim kom paub txog txoj hmoo ntawm lub tsheb, txij li qhov tsis xws luag tau ua tib zoo muab zais thaum muag.

Paint thickness

Cov kev cai ntawm cov qauv feem ntau siv rau lub thickness ntawm txheej txheej. Nws ntsuas hauv microns. Hauv qab no yog ib lub rooj ntawm paintwork rau tsheb ntawm ntau hom. Nws tau muab tso ua ke ntau rau cov tuam ntxhab. Txawm li cas los xij, nws kuj tseem muaj txiaj ntsig rau cov tswv tsheb zoo tib yam, vim nws yooj yim los txheeb xyuas qhov sib txawv thaum lub sijhawm kuaj.

tsheb paintwork thickness rooj
tsheb paintwork thickness rooj

Qhov tuab ntawm cov xim pleev xim ntawm lub tsheb. Table

Tsheb hom qauv paj paim
Nissan Y X-Trail, Patrol, Juke, Qashqai, Murano, Tilda, Pathfinder 80 to 120
"Peugeot" 208, 308, 508, 3008 ntawm 100 txog 120
"Skoda" Octavia, Yeti, Superb, Fabia, Roomster ntawm 100 txog 145
"Suzuki" Grand Vitara, SX4, Swift, Splash 85 to 115
NYIAJ "Toyota" LC200, Camry, Highlander, Auris, Verso 95 to 130
Avensis, Corolla, Prado, Prius, RAV4 80 to 110
"Volkswagen" Polo, Golf 80 to 110
Tiguan, Passat, Caddy, Multivan, Amarok ntawm 105 txog 140
Tuareg,Jetta ntawm 140 txog 180

Thaum ntsuas ua ntej yuav tsheb, ntau dua 300 microns ntawm cov xim tuaj yeem ua rau muaj kev txhawj xeeb. Qhov no txhais tau hais tias nws zais cov chips thiab cov teeb meem me me. Yog tias lub tsheb tau kho hnyav, ces lub thickness tuaj yeem yog ntau tshaj 500 microns, qhov no qhia tau hais tias tsis muaj qhov tsis zoo ntawm qhov kev sib tsoo. GOST qhov yuav tsum tau ua rau kev sib piv, lub thickness ntawm cov xim ntawm lub tsheb, lub rooj ntawm qhov tseem ceeb uas tau hais los saum no, tuaj yeem pab cov tswv tsheb hauv qhov no.

Lwm yam GOST yuav tsum tau ua rau pleev xim

Kev xaiv kev pab them nqi rau lub tsheb tshiab yuav tsum ua raws li cov cai hauv qab no:

  • lub cev xim xim - ntau hom tsheb muaj lawv tus qauv, yog li rau cov tsheb loj yuav tsum muaj xim sov lossis sib piv, piv txwv li, xiav thiab daj;
  • kev ntxhib los mos kuj yuav tsum phim lub hom ntawm lub tsheb, lub tsheb siv tus kheej tuaj yeem ua tau ob qho tib si glossy thiab matte, tab sis cov tsheb loj yuav tsum feem ntau yog du;
  • rooj plaub sab nraud thiab qhov loj hauv lub tsheb tau them nrog kev saib xyuas tshwj xeeb;
  • chav xim pleev xim yuav tsum phim chav tsheb thiab nyob ntawm qhov chaw ntawm qhov chaw.

Nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb kom paub tsis yog txog lub tswv yim ntawm kev pleev xim rau hauv lub tsheb, nws yog dab tsi thiab xaiv nws, tab sis kuj yuav siv li cas thaum kho.

paintwork dab tsi yog nws nyob rau hauv lub tsheb
paintwork dab tsi yog nws nyob rau hauv lub tsheb

Ua ntej siv cov txheej txheem, qhov saum npoo yuav tsum tau kho kom zoo. GOST rau txhua hom khoom thiab staining txoj kev muab nws cov npe ntawm kev ua, txhua yam muajxws li cov khoom:

  • rog tawm ntawm qhov chaw;
  • priming rau adhesion zoo;
  • tsim cov txheej txheem tiv thaiv corrosion;
  • kho nrog cov kev daws teeb meem passivating;
  • daim ntawv thov ntawm cov tshuaj oxidizing los tsim cov tshuaj tiv thaiv thiab anode zaj duab xis;
  • kev sib tsoo hauv kev ua tiav.

Txhua tus tswv lub tsheb yuav tsum paub txog cov xim pleev xim, nws yog dab tsi hauv lub tsheb, nws yuav tsum saib thiab siv li cas.

hom kev tsis xws luag thiab lawv cov laj thawj

Kev tsis zoo feem ntau tshwm sim vim tsis muaj kev paub ntawm tus tswv, kev ua haujlwm tsis raug ntawm cov hlau ua ntej txheej, thiab vim muaj ntau yam sab nraud.

Qhov laj thawj tseem ceeb yog qhov tsis raug rau kev pleev xim sab nrauv, ua txhaum txoj cai ntawm kev ua haujlwm nrog cov ntaub ntawv thiab kev tuav tsis zoo ntawm lawv.

tsheb xim rooj
tsheb xim rooj

Yog tias npaj kho, lub tsheb pleev xim yuav tsum tau saib xyuas tshwj xeeb, vim tias cov teeb meem hauv qab no tuaj yeem tshwm sim.

Nyob zoo ib tsoom phooj ywg sawv daws

Qhov kev tsis zoo no zoo li nyias nyias cov kab nrib pleb uas tsis txuas rau ib leeg, lawv txawv me ntsis, tab sis tsim kom muaj tag nrho cov tsos mob me me. Nyob rau saum npoo, nws zoo li qhov chaw muaj huab lossis thaj chaw tsis muaj luster. Nrog nce loads, cov kab nrib pleb loj dua, qhov chaw tsis xws luag nce.

kho tsheb pleev xim
kho tsheb pleev xim

Yog vim li cas:

  • kev npaj tsis zoo rau kev pleev xim;
  • kev ua txhaum ntawm cov khoom siv thev naus laus zis;
  • xim tsis zoo;
  • kev ua txhaum hauv kev kho mob primer;
  • sib tovxim;
  • ntau txheej txheej;
  • paj tsis tau qhuav zoo.

Txhawm rau tshem tawm cov teeb meem zoo li no, koj yuav tsum tsis tsuas yog txhawm rau paub txog kev siv cov xim pleev xim rau hauv lub tsheb (peb pom tias nws yog dab tsi thaum pib ntawm tsab xov xwm), lawv cov laj thawj, tab sis kuj tham txog cov txheej txheem twg ntau dua. haum rau lub cev. Feem ntau, txhua cov xim uas muaj qhov tsis xws luag yuav tsum tau muab tshem tawm thiab rov pleev xim dua.

Ntseeg ntawm craters thiab craters ntawm qhov chaw

Qhov kev tsis zoo no tshwm sim tam sim tom qab pleev xim. Nws yog tshwm sim los ntawm cov khoom siv silicone pom nyob rau hauv polishing compounds.


  • kev tu siab ua ntej pleev xim;
  • siv cov khoom siv xab npum;
  • cov hmoov av, cov khoom siv polishing, muaj cov fluff uas tseem nyob ntawm qhov chaw;
  • Kev siv cov khoom tsis zoo.

Thaum kev kho tsheb hauv zos ntawm lub tsheb pleev xim yog ua tiav, koj yuav tsum tshem tawm cov khoom seem ntawm silicone los ntawm qhov chaw, ntxuav qhov chaw no kom zoo thiab siv cov xim tshiab.

tuav tsis txaus

Qhov zoo ntawm painting zoo heev nyob ntawm adhesion rau saum npoo. Qee lub sij hawm cov khoom tsuas yog sib cais ntawm cov hlau los yog cov txheej qub. Qhov tsis xws luag tshwm yuav luag tam sim ntawd tom qab siv cov xim thiab tshwj xeeb tshaj yog pom nyob rau hauv cov chaw qub.

Txhawm rau zam qhov teeb meem no, koj yuav tsum paub txog qhov zoo ntawm cov xim pleev xim hauv lub tsheb. Nws txhais li cas? Dab tsi tuaj yeem ua rau nws tshwm sim? Nws tuaj yeem yog:

  • npaj tsis zoo;
  • remains of xeb, oils, wax;
  • tsis sib xwsdaim ntawv thov primer;
  • khoom siv tsis zoo;
  • kev ua txhaum ntawm cov txheej txheem thev naus laus zis ntawm kev pleev xim;
  • siv cov kuab tshuaj tsis zoo;
  • raug kub dhau thaum ziab.

Thaum daws cov teeb meem no, nws yog ib qho tsim nyog yuav tsum tshem cov xim ntawm qhov chaw loj txaus, loj dua qhov chaw puas. Qhov saum npoo yog ntxuav nrog sandblaster lossis grinder.

npub tsim

Kev pleev xim zoo nrog rau qhov chaw tiaj tus. Cov npuas tshwm ntawm cov xim qub thiab tshiab txheej, qhov laj thawj tseem ceeb yog qhov kub thiab txias thaum lub sij hawm ziab.

Qhov laj thawj tseem ceeb ntawm npuas:

  • dej lossis cua nkag hauv qab xim;
  • kev npaj tsis zoo, cov av seem ntawm nws;
  • siv cov kuab tshuaj tsis zoo;
  • cov xim pleev xim tsis qhuav txaus;
  • siab viscosity ntawm cov xim, uas ua rau saum npoo boil;
  • ntau dhau primer lossis pleev xim.

Qhov tsis xws luag tsuas yog tshem tawm los ntawm kev rov pleev xim lub tsheb nkaus xwb.

paint sib cais

Qhov kev tsis zoo no tshwm sim dhau sijhawm txawm tias tom qab lub Hoobkas pleev xim.

tsheb lub cev pleev xim
tsheb lub cev pleev xim

Lub ntsiab yog vim li cas:

  • remnants of pollution;
  • ambient kub dhau thaum ua haujlwm nrog cov ntaub ntawv;
  • ntxhi me ntsis;
  • tsis zoo smoothed txheej ntawm cov xim;
  • kev sib raug zooprimers, xim thiab nws txheej.

Txhawm rau tshem tawm qhov tsis xws luag, koj yuav tsum tshem tawm tag nrho cov xim mus rau hauv qab txheej, thiab feem ntau mus rau cov hlau.

Muaj cov smudges thiab sagging

Feem ntau tshwm sim ntawm qhov chaw nqes hav. Cov laj thawj yog raws li nram no:

  • spray siv ntau dhau;
  • siab atmospheric siab;
  • paint tuab heev;
  • slow solvent evaporation;
  • txheej qhuav qhuav.

Thaj chaw yuav tsum tau txhuam kom zoo thiab ntxuav, thiab tom qab ntawd pleev xim dua.

Muddy surface

Qhov tsis xws luag zoo li cov huab dawb tsis muaj xim tsis zoo. Nws tsis txaus siab rau lub sijhawm dhau los nws ua rau lwm yam tsis xws luag, xws li tawg thiab tawg.

Lub ntsiab yog vim li cas:

  • pleev xim rau hauv cov av noo siab;
  • siv cov kuab tshuaj tsis zoo;
  • hnyav hnyav ntxiv yog qhov tsim nyog;
  • Cov cua tsis raug hauv chav tha xim.

Koj tuaj yeem tshem nws los ntawm polishing nto.

Ib plaque uas zoo li hmoov av

Tshuaj raws li cov xim tsis zoo ntawm ntau txoj kab.


  • kuas muaj kuab qhuav qhuav sai;
  • tsis tu ncua ntawm cov xim thiab tau txais nws ntawm qhov sib txawv yam tsis tas yuav ntxuav ntxiv;
  • xim qhuav sai heev.

Qhov tsis xws luag yog tshem tawm yooj yim los ntawm kev sib tsoo thaj chaw puas.

Matte tiav

Kev pleev xim zoo yuav tau txais qhov ci ntsa iab.

kev tshuaj xyuas lub tsheb paintwork
kev tshuaj xyuas lub tsheb paintwork

Ua rau haze tuaj yeem yog:

  • tsis sib xws;
  • khoom thickness tsis txaus;
  • muaj khawb ua ntej pleev xim.

Yuav kom tshem tawm, qhov chaw yog rov ua kom du thiab siv lwm lub tsho tiv no.

Yuav ua li cas tiv thaiv lub tsheb?

Kev tiv thaiv lub tsheb pleev xim yog siv ntau yam tshuaj.

1. Kev siv cov polishes thiab waxes. Cov ntaub ntawv no muaj peev xwm ntxiv ci rau lub tsheb, muaj lub hauv paus tsis muaj dej noo, thiab tseem tiv thaiv kev puas tsuaj me. Tsis tas li ntawd, lawv tshem tawm txoj kev plua plav thiab tiv thaiv cov organic nres. Kev pab cuam lub neej - los ntawm ib mus rau peb xyoos, nws nyob ntawm tus nqi thiab zoo ntawm daim ntawv thov.

2. Kev siv "kua iav". Cov khoom no yog siv nyob rau hauv ib tug tuab txheej thiab tsim ib tug spectacular tsos. Daim iav no tiv thaiv lub tsheb tau peb xyoos.

kho tsheb paintwork hauv zos
kho tsheb paintwork hauv zos

3. Koj yuav tsum paub tsis yog tsuas yog cov xim pleev xim, nws yog dab tsi hauv lub tsheb, tab sis kuj yuav tiv thaiv nws li cas. Lwm txoj hauv kev los tiv thaiv yog "cov ntaub ntawv ua kua", nws muaj nqis, yooj yim rau kev thov thiab tiv thaiv zoo los ntawm khawb, tab sis nws lub neej kev pab cuam luv luv.

4. Tiv thaiv zaj duab xis. Nws yog siv rau lub tshuab qhov chaw thiab adheres nruj nreem rau lub yav tas los ntxuav nto. Nws muaj qhov zoo nkauj zoo nkauj, tso cai rau koj los ua cov txheej matte lossis ntau ci ntsa iab.

5. Npuag npog. Haum hauv qabtsheb tshwj xeeb. Qhov tsis zoo yog qhov tseeb tias cov khib nyiab me me hauv qab lub hau yog qhov nyuaj rau taug qab, thiab nws tuaj yeem rhuav tshem cov xim pleev xim.

6. Yas thiab acrylic deflectors uas yooj yim tshuab cov khib nyiab tawm ntawm lub tsheb.

Yog li, nws yog ib qho tseem ceeb tsis yog tsuas yog yuav tsum npaj cov xim kom zoo, xaiv cov khoom zoo, tab sis kuj tiv thaiv nws ntawm kev puas tsuaj.

Pom zoo: