Tonar yog dab tsi? Hom noun thiab paub zoo lub tsheb Hoobkas

Cov txheej txheem:

Tonar yog dab tsi? Hom noun thiab paub zoo lub tsheb Hoobkas
Tonar yog dab tsi? Hom noun thiab paub zoo lub tsheb Hoobkas

Lo lus "tonar" hauv ntau tus neeg Lavxias yog txuam nrog kev lag luam me me-trailers-kiosks hauv khw. Txawm li cas los xij, lub tswv yim no tam sim no txhais tau tias yog lub tsheb sib txawv, uas yog vim li cas nws tsis yooj yim sua kom tsis txhob nco txog kev tsim kev lag luam MZ Tonar LLC, uas nws lub npe tau dhau los ua lub npe tsev neeg. Yuav luag zoo li jeep, tshuab luam ntawv, pawm.

Dab tsi yog tonar

Lub npe ntawm lub tuam txhab tsim tshuab "Tonar" sawv cev rau "Cov khoom rau tib neeg". Tom qab lub tuam txhab tau koom nrog hauv kev tsim cov khoom siv txawb, yog li nrov hauv kev lag luam spontaneous ntawm lub nineties - thaum ntxov ob txhiab, lub npe "tonar" tau muab rau cov khw muag khoom txawb ntawm lub log. Nyob rau tib lub sijhawm, nws tsis muaj teeb meem seb lawv tau tsim los ntawm Ministry of He alth lossis lwm lub tuam txhab.

dab tsi yog tonar
dab tsi yog tonar

Dab tsi yog tonar, dhau li ntawm cov khw muag khoom muag khoom noj khoom haus? Muaj tsawg zaus, qhov no yog lub npe ntawm tus neeg nqa nees, thiab lub tsheb thauj khoom, thiab lub khw muag khoom noj txom ncauj ntawm lub log, thiab ib qho semi-trailer.

History of MZ

Ib qho ntawm cov tuam txhab tseem ceeb ntawm cov tsheb, trailer thiab semi-trailers,Lub tshuab tsim cov nroj tsuag "Tonar" nyob rau hauv lub zos ntawm Gubino, Orekhovo-Zuevsky koog tsev kawm ntawv, Moscow cheeb tsam (lub ntsiab complex). Nws pib nws txoj haujlwm hauv xyoo 1990. Tom qab ntawd lub tuam txhab tshwj xeeb hauv kev tsim cov tsheb thauj khoom rau cov neeg caij tsheb. Xyoo 1992, cov nroj tsuag tau pib tsim cov chaw muag khoom txawb, uas ua rau nws muaj koob meej - txhua tus neeg uas nyob hauv nineties paub tias tonar yog dab tsi.

Txawm li cas los xij, kev nthuav dav ntawm kev tsim khoom tsis tau nres - lub tuam txhab pib tsim cov galvanized sandwich panels thiab isothermal lub cev, uas cov vaj huam sib luag no yog lub hauv paus. Nyob rau hauv 1997, thawj tag nrho-size semi-trailer los ntawm Guba Automobile Plant raug tso tawm. Tom qab ntawd cov khoom ntawm semi-trailers-tippers "Tonar" tau muab tso rau ntawm lub conveyor, nrog rau peb cov khoom pov tseg. Xyoo 2003, lub tuam txhab pib tsim cov peev txheej loj tipper semi-trailers rau cov khoom loj loj.

tshuab-tsev cog tonar
tshuab-tsev cog tonar

Hauv xyoo 2008, Rosstat hu ua LLC MZ Tonar qhov thib peb ntawm kev tsim khoom (13.6% ntawm tag nrho pawg) hauv kev ua lag luam ntawm Lavxias teb sab trailers. Nws tsuas yog qis dua rau NefAZ thiab Trailer-KamAZ tuam txhab. Xyoo 2011, cov nroj tsuag tau pib tsim cov tsheb laij teb. Nyob rau hauv 2013, Tonar tshaj tawm ib tug loj-scale automation thiab robotization ntawm nws ntau lawm. Nyob rau hauv tib lub xyoo, nws pib ua mining dump tsheb. Ntawm cov xov xwm tshiab tshaj plaws yog pib xyoo 2016 ntawm kev tsim cov tsheb ciav hlau, uas nws lub peev xwm nqa tau siab tshaj plaws yog 117 tons.

Tonar LLC hnub no

yog dab tsi"Tonar" nyob rau hauv peb hnub? Qhov no yog lub tuam txhab tsheb loj loj, tsuas yog cov chaw tsim khoom ntawm txoj kev tsheb ciav hlau nrog lub peev xwm ua tau zoo thiab cov tsheb thauj khoom hauv lub tebchaws. Tag nrho cheeb tsam ntawm cov nroj tsuag yog ntau tshaj 19 hectares, thaj tsam ntawm nws cov chaw tsim khoom yog hais txog 45 m2. Warehouse ntawm cov tshuab tiav "Tonar" npog thaj tsam ntawm 9 hectares. Tib lub sijhawm, 700 tus neeg ua haujlwm ua haujlwm ntawm tsob ntoo.

LLC "Tonar" yog kev lag luam thoob ntiaj teb. Tag nrho cov thev naus laus zis ntau lawm yog ua tiav ntawm no: kev tsim kho qhov project, kev tsim khoom ntawm cov khoom siv tsheb thiab lawv cov kev sib dhos tom ntej, kev lag luam ntawm cov khoom thiab nws cov kev pabcuam ntxiv. Cov tshuab tsim tau ua raws li UNECE cov qauv.

Lub Hoobkas tsheb tau txaus siab rau nws tus kheej tsim chaw ua haujlwm, nrog rau ATP, qhov kev sim mus sij hawm ntev ntawm cov khoom tau ua nyob rau hauv qhov xwm txheej huab cua tshaj plaws rau nws thiab nrog kev thauj khoom siab tshaj plaws.


Hnub no lub tuam txhab ua haujlwm hauv plaub qhov chaw ua haujlwm. Qhov kev tso tawm no yog:

  • ua liaj ua teb machinery;
  • pob tw trailer;
  • Tonar mining pob tseg tsheb thiab tsheb thauj khoom tshwj xeeb;
  • khoom thiab khoom siv.
tonar dump tsheb
tonar dump tsheb

Cia peb txheeb xyuas luv luv ntawm kab ntawv:

  • isothermal semi-trailers (nrog rau cov tub yees thiab cov khoom tshwj xeeb);
  • tsheb thauj khoom;
  • lwm cov tsheb thauj khoom pov tseg - tom qab thiab sab thauj khoom, nrog rau cov tsheb thauj khoom, cov tsheb thauj khoom, cov tsheb thauj khoom;
  • ntau tus tarpaulin semi-trailers;
  • flatbed semi-trailers;
  • semi-trailers nrogzawv zawg pem teb;
  • cov tsheb thauj khoom;
  • hnyav trawls;
  • tsheb thauj khoom, lub cev rau lawv;
  • kev ua liaj ua teb - hloov hoppers, qos nqa, nqa nqaij qaib, nqa nplej, nqa tsiaj txhu, nqa ntses, thiab tsheb laij teb;
  • trolleys, 1-, 2-, 3-axle units nrog lossis tsis muaj caij nplooj ntoos hlav, cua ncua.

"Tonar": pom tseeb qhov zoo

Dab tsi yog "Tonar" paub tsis yog hauv Russia xwb. Niaj hnub no, cov khoom xa tuaj rau Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Asian lub teb chaws (xws li Middle East), South America, thiab Africa tau tsim. Kev tswj hwm ntawm lub tuam txhab qhia txog cov txiaj ntsig tseem ceeb hauv qab no ntawm lawv cov tshuab:

  • kev ntseeg tau thiab zoo;
  • tus nqi sib tw;
  • qhov kawg ntawm kev ua siab ntev - cov cuab yeej raug sim hauv cov xwm txheej hnyav ntawm Lavxias kev nyab xeeb;
  • lub network ntawm cov chaw pabcuam dav dav;
  • siab ruaj khov;
  • lub sijhawm lav - 3 xyoos;
  • tsim cov tsheb tsim.
tshuab tonar
tshuab tonar

Lub sij hawm tsis nyob twj ywm. Kev lag luam kev lag luam maj mam dhau los ua ib qho ntawm yav dhau los, thiab nrog lawv tonars - kiosks ntawm lub log. Tonar nws tus kheej niaj hnub no yog lub tuam txhab loj tshaj plaws hauv Lavxias Federation ntawm cov tsheb tshwj xeeb nrog lub peev xwm loj ntawm ntau yam kev siv.

Pom zoo: